Friday, September 24, 2010

Radio White

Check out this kick-ass, pro-white, radio channel. It's only on the web, but so what! White Power music is worth it. They have a wide variety of scheduled music, mostly in English. However, there have been the occasional European song. Still, it is worth it to give this site a look over.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Skinhead Music

Check out this killer video I found on youtube.
Go to Victory! You'll find everything you'll every need as a national socialist. Here are some highlights from the site:
Turner Diaries

Use it wisely, and spread the message!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


I thought this would be a rather fitting song given that this is the first post "under new management". I put it in a hyper link, because I can't figure out how to properly upload a video. Until then, we'll manage!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Hello Folks! This blog is now under new management! The previous owner has turned it over along with the email! Starting today, White Power is back! WHITE POWER!